Friday, February 29, 2008

Mommy & Me

Just for you Auntie Jen. Mommy is usually taking my picture and never ends up in the photos. But she is pretty talented at holding the camera in front of us and taking our picture. This was when we went to the zoo. Did you know my favorite animals at the zoo are the fish?

Lucky Red Rocket Pajamas

Nehemiah visited the Red Rocket during poker night to wish the guys luck. He wore his red rocket pajamas for the ocassion. Don't worry, we didn't let him smoke his first pipe. Those jammies must really be lucky....his daddy won the game that night. I think every Red Rocket night he'll have to wear them.

Go Blazers!

Nehemiah attended his first Blazer's game last week. He stayed up WAY past his bedtime, but made it through. I told him we could leave after the third quarter if he was too tired, but he demanded on watching the end of the game. The score was just too close to leave early. Travis tried getting him on camera by moving him up and down while wearing his Blazer hat, but unfortunately we were in the very top row....maybe next time.

Dog Kisses

Nehemiah loves Peach and especially her sloppy dog kisses.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Dirty Look

I bought a windchime at the dollar store last week for a school project. After that was done I figured Nehemiah would enjoy it, so I hung it in his room. As I held him up to check it out and he listened to it chime, this dirtly look crossed his face. It was so funny.

Each time I make it chime he proceeds to make this face. Over the past few days this face has shown up various other times. It usually happens when he is not happy about something. That's why Travis has deemed it "the dirty look." He obviously isn't too upset because there is no crying to accompany it. Maybe just a small unsure sound that he makes as he turns his nose up. Honestly, I think it is pretty cute.
Hopefully you can see it in person because the camera just doesn't do it justice.

I Love My Christmas Gifts!

Nehemiah is really starting to enjoy the presents he got for Christmas. He has just started noticing Elmo and Big Bird on his flannel pajamas that Grandma made. It was hard to get them on him because he kept studying and pointing at Elmo (pointing is his new thing). He also loves his drums that he got from Auntie Joi and Uncle D. They are water drums, however lately he's been enjoying banging on the door and walls with the drumstick.